Total Lunar Eclipse HDR
The video was less than 20 seconds, however, it condensed the whole process of about 5 hours of total lunar eclipse.
My friend Zhang Jiajie did very well on processing by code and he used my original pictures to get the final video successfully. He synthesized 10 photos of each group to one HDR image and synthesized more than 400 HDR photos in 5 hours. Then he aligned and combined to get the total eclipse HDR video.In this video, moon could be seen went through the background stars and the earth umbra changing.
You can also visit the web link to watch the video: https://vimeo.com/278638667
Credit: Wang Letian & Zhang Jiajie -
Impressionism-style Earth Umbra
It looks like this picture is like a band aid. However, this uniquely impressionism-style image actually is a stacked astronomical photo recording the whole show of a total lunar eclipse. As we know moon is orbiting around the Earth. When it travels into the umbra of Earth's shadow, a total lunar eclipse happens. This image is stacked of dozens of photos and aligned by background stars, clearly recording the moon moving trajectory among stars.
In fact not only moon is moving but also Earth's shadow is, which is caused by the parallax effect that the observer (i.e. us) is not standing at the center of Earth. For this reason the umbra of Earth's shadow, a bloody red disk in this picture, is not symmetric.
It is very difficult to stack the images into one final image. My friend Zhang Jiajie did very well on processing and he used my original pictures to get the final one successfully. He found some proper parameters that enhance the detail best while avoiding noises. Then he started his code and revised the code over and over again. After somedays, he solved all the problem and got the final image.
Credit: Wang Letian & Zhang Jiajie -
Umbra and Blue Edge
The shadow of earth could be seen a short time after sunset, which is above the horizon and below the Venus Belt. In addition, the shadow of earth could be observed when lunar eclipse. My image shows the moon goes through the umbra of earth. The shape of the earth shadow is clearly and a blue edge could also be seen on the moon. I got my image at Fangshan District, Beijing, China. I compose the moon with more than 5 different exposure time image to get the final HDR image. -
Super Red Blue Moon meets M44
This image is get at about 9:23PM local time, which is about 7 minutes before the moon in the the middle of the umbra. In this image, the Beehive Cluster at the upper right side and is about five degree away from the blood moon. The dim stars arround full moon could only be observed when the moon is eclipsed. -
Total Lunar Eclipse
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